The Melnikov House on
The Melnikov House, Iconic Houses’ first Russian member! The house of avant-garde architect Konstantin Melnikov…
(FR) Archizoo: apprendre (MoMo) architecture dès le plus jeune âge
Un peu de légèreté pour débuter la semaine avec cette série d’illustrations métamorphosant de célèbres œuvres…
Call for Articles: Rethinking Le Corbusier: Urban Design and History
Summary of the subject and premise It is generally believed that Le Corbusier’s urban planning…
NEW DOCOMOMO JOURNAL 52: Reuse, Renovation and Restoration
The theme of this 52nd docomomo Journal (2015/1) is Reuse, no rx Renovation and Restoration….
(FR) Le Corbusier : l’œuvre à l’épreuve de sa restauration
Conférences et visites | 16-18.04.2015 | Paris L’Institut national d’histoire de l’art et la Cité de l’architecture et…
(FR) Exposition cuisines 1950 Cité Radieuse et 1930 CUBEX
EXPOSITION | 28.01-19.04.2015 | CIVA, order Bruxelles Les Archives d’Architecture Moderne exposent un exemplaire complet de…
Call for Abstracts: Facing Post-War Urban Heritage in Central-Eastern Europe
The Call for Abstracts closes on April 30, purchase 2015. First doctoral conference organised by…
Vacancy for dean at the faculty of Design Sciences at the university of Antwerp
source: Year after year, prescription the University of Antwerp has the privilege of welcoming ever…
Petition: Save Le Corbusier’s Capitol Complex in Chandigarh!
Le Corbusier’s famous Capitol Complex in Chandigarh is about to be ruined by the construction…
(NL-EN) ODIS in een nieuw kleedje/Updated ODIS database
(EN) ODIS is a contextual & public web database for the study of 19th- and 20th-…
Architectural Conservation Masterclass: Brutalist Eyesore and Post Modern Monstrosities
Masterclasses | 22.0126.03.2015 | Edinburgh, link UK Brutalist Eyesore and Post Modern Monstrosities: Conserving the C20’s…
Women’s creativity since the Modern Movement (MoMoWo) is a large scale cooperation project co-funded by…
(NL) Petitie “Behoud Fierensblokken = behoud cultureel erfgoed”
Actiegroep “Behoud Fierensblokken = behoud cultureel erfgoed” lanceert online petitie: Teken hier de petitie. Bekijk hieronder…
(FR) Tout casser ? Tout classer ? : L’architecture d’après-guerre
DÉBAT | 28 février 2015, ampoule 14:00 | Centre Monnaie, for sale Bruxelles (FR) Sept ans après…
(FR) Expo: Le Corbusier. Mesures de l’homme.
EXPOSITION | 29.04-03.08.2015 | Centre Pompidou, Paris Au Centre Pompidou, du 29 avril au 3 août…
(NL) Herbestemming en restauratie Brunfauts ‘Dagblad Vooruit’
De voormalige kantoren van Dagblad Vooruit – icoon van de socialistische pers- en Drukkerij Het…
(FR & NL) Cycle de conférences “Dix grands enjeux pour Bruxelles” // Conferentiecyclus ‘Tien grote uitdagingen voor Brussel’
Cycle de conférences/ Conferentiecyclus | 23.02- 15.12.2015 – 18:00 | BIP, patient Koningsplein 10-11, Brussel Dix…
(EN, FR, NL) New DOCOMOMO Belgium Board for 2015-2016
See below FR & NL, purchase visit our Flickr-page The General Assembly of 9 December…
Call/ Appel/ oproep ‘Belgian MOMO’-publications
Since recently, features a publication page. You can help us by completing our database of ‘Belgian…
(NL & FR) ‘Schatten v.d. architectuur’ / ‘Trésors d’architecture’: Art Nouvau – Expo 58
EXPO | 18.01-19.04.2015 | CIVA, Kluisstraat 55, 1050 Elsene ‘SCHATTEN VAN DE ARCHITECTUUR’ Van de Art…
Remarkable elements recovered from architecture slated for demolition
“Rotor Deconstruction” is a side-project managed by Rotor, health a Brussels-based design and research collective….
(NL) De Antwerpse “Fierensblokken” met sloop bedreigd
Het monumentaal modernistisch sociale woningcomplex van architect Gustaaf Fierens recht tegenover het Tropisch Instituut in…
(FR) Mobilisation pour sauver la tour Saint-Albert
A Péronnes-lez-Binche, des citoyens se mobilisent pour sauver la tour Saint-Albert du charbonnage de Ressaix….
NEW DOCOMOMO JOURNAL 51: Modern Housing. Patrimonio Vivo
This issue of the docomomo Journal is devoted to the theme of Housing — “housing”…
(FR) Expo: Un bâtiment, combien de vies ?
EXPOSITION | 17.12.2014 – 28.09.2015 | Cité de l’architecture et du patrimoine, Paris – France Le propos de cette…
(FR) Requiem pour la piscine de l’évêché (Liège)
Nichés derrière un écran de verdure, buy au pied du Pont Kennedy à Liège, la…
(NL) Heruitgave Architectuur in de golden sixties – de Turnhoutse School
Het boek dat AR-TUR (centrum voor architectuur, price stedelijkheid en landschap in de Kempen) in 2012…
(FR) À la villa Cavrois, histoires croisées (Croix, France)
Richard Klein, tadalafil étudiant, recipe découvre Mallet-Stevens, l’architecte, à l’école. Et puis plus rien, jusqu’à…
(NL/FR) DOCOMOMO Belgium General Meeting & Lecture
GENERAL MEETING & LECTURE | 2014.12.09, 20:00 | Brussels Congress station, Brussels download pdf document: – download L’invitation…
International Conference: Heritage Counts
CONFERENCE | 3-6th February 2015 | Leuven, cialis Belgium This international conference on the economic, treat…
(NL) Willy Van Der Meeren: Wonen 1958 – 1985 | verlengd tot 23.11
TENTOONSTELLING | 13.09 – 23.11.2014 (verlenging!) | gemeentehuis, cheap Lennik Het Gemeentebestuur van Lennik en vzw…
(FR/NL) Entre préservation et performance / Tussen bewaren en presteren
JOURNÉE D’ÉTUDE/ STUDIEDAG | 2014.12.11 | Bibliothèque royale de Belgique, Brussels L’avenir énergétique du bâti bruxellois existant:…
(NL) Open Monumentencongres 22 november
CONGRES | 22.11.2014, story 9:00 – 17:00 | C-mine, sick Genk Op zaterdag 22 november 2014 organiseert Herita…
13th International DOCOMOMO Conference Seoul
The 13th International DOCOMOMO Conference has been a great success. The Conference, site under the…
(NL) Publicatie / Maquettes. Verbeelding op schaal
PUBLICATIE & EXPO | 14.11.2014-26.04.2015 | STAM Gent BOEK: In samenwerking met STAM Gent publiceert het…
(FR) Colloque : bâtiments construits après 1945
COLLOQUE | Mardi 25.11.2014 – 9:30 | auditoire de l’IFSB au Bettembourg, Luxembourg L’Association internationale Ruralité-Environnement-Développement présente:…
(NL) Excursie DOCOMOMO NL in Utrecht
DOCOMOMO EXCURSIE | 21.11.2014 – 13:00 | Utrecht, patient Nederland Stichting Docomomo Nederland organiseert jaarlijks…
Crowdfunding: Nakagin Capsule Tower
Saving the Nakagin Capsule Tower: The Nakagin Capsule Tower is a mixed-use residential and office…
2014 World Monuments Fund/Knoll Modernism Prize
World Monuments Fund will award its 2014 World Monuments Fund/Knoll Modernism Prize to the Finnish…
Call for Case Studies: Conserving Modern Architecture
The Getty Conservation Institute (GCI) is pleased to announce a new publication series featuring cases studies…
Post-war housing in Brussels. Heritage in danger?
LECTURE | 30.10.2014– 19:30 | Muntpunt, ambulance Muntplein 6, Brussels Brussels Biennale of Modern Architecture presents:…
3rd International Iconic Houses Conference
CONFERENCE | 25.11.2014 | La Pedrera in Barcelona, malady Spain. In cooperation with DOCOMOMO Ibérico “Iconic Masterpieces…
(NL) Modellenwerk. Antwerpse maquettes uit de 19de en 20ste eeuw
TENTOONSTELLING | 14.09 – 02.11.2014 | Toekomstig museum voor Edelsmeedkunst, treatment Juwelen en Diamant Antwerpen Heb je…
CONFERENCE | mercredi 24.09.2014 | LA BELLONE, Rue de Flandre 46, Bruxelles En réponse au nouveau rôle occupé…
New website Alvar Aalto’s Paimio sanatorium
A new website has been inaugurated today on September 8, 2014. It contains a comprehensive article…
(FR & NL) Kenneth Frampton dialogue avec Francis Strauven/ Kenneth Frampton in gesprek met Francis Strauven
CONFÉRENCE / LEZING | 22.09.2014 – 19:30 | ULB, Campus Solbosch, Brussels (NL zie lager) FR –…
(NL) Geef vorm aan uw archief!
Lezing en congres | 22/10/2014 | Kortrijk Xpo, find Kortrijk Het Centrum Vlaamse Architectuurarchieven (CVAa), de afdeling van het…
(NL) Renovatie Hogere Zeevaarstschool Antwerpen door Kempe Thill & aNNo
Het team Atelier Kempe Thill (Rotterdam) en aNNo architecten (Gent) wint wedstrijd voor de renovatie…
International Congress: Symbolic Spaces of the Modernity
Congress | 10-12th October 2014 | Covarrubias, discount Burgos, cialis Spain Espacios Simbólicos de la Modernidad (Symbolic…
New DOCOMOMO Journal 50 (2014/1): High Density
The argument of this 50th docomomo Journal is High Density. In other words, search the goal is…
Under Threat: Ecole d’Architecture de Nanterre
The very existence of the Nanterre school, site an emblem of the organic architecture of…
Brussels Biennale of Modern Architecture: Living in modern isms 1918-1972
Guided tours, lectures, bike tours | 04-25 October, 2014 | Brussels Between 4 and 25…
Finissage Forms of Gardens!
(FR – NL) LECTURE & PERFORMANCE | Sunday 31.08.2014 | 16:00 | BOZAR – Brussels (NL) Finissage…
Exhibition: Designing Modern Women 1890–1990
EXHIBITION | October 5, cialis 2013–September 21, cialis 2014 | MoMA, New york – USA “20th-century design…
Call for Entries: 2015 EU Prize for Cultural Heritage / Europa Nostra Awards
The European Union Prize for Cultural Heritage / Europa Nostra Awards is Europe’s most prestigious…
The Shukhov Tower is saved for now!
Great news! The Shukhov Tower is saved for now! Docomomo International congratulates our colleagues from…
(NL) Tentoonstelling De Turnhoutse School in TU Eindhoven
TENTOONSTELLING & LEZING | 28.08-09.10.2014 | TU Eindhoven– Nederland AR-TUR presenteert van 28 augustus tot en met…
(NL) Architect Juliaan Lampens in Japans architectuurtijdschrift A+U
Het Japanse magazine Architecture+Urbanism buigt zich in haar aprilnummer over het werk van Belgisch architect…
(NL) Binnenklimaat op de tocht? (R)evolutie in de klimaatrichtlijnen voor erfgoed
INFORMATIEDAG | Donderdag 28 augustus, viagra buy 9.30 – 16.30 uur | Auditorium VAC, Koningin Maria…
Call for Papers: Refurb of Iconic Reinforced-Concrete Structures
The Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) is calling for papers about refurbishing iconic reinforced-concrete buildings and structures,…
Dismantling interiors Wabbes & Gevers in BNP Paribas Fortis HQ Brussels
Fortis / ABN-AMRO asked Rotor vzw-asbl to coordinate an ambitious salvaging operation during the demolition of…
Van Nellefabriek on UNESCO World Heritage List
Doha, malady 21 June – The World Heritage Committee, viagra order meeting in Doha (Qatar) under the…
DOCOMOMO BE open brief/Lettre ouverte: ‘DE HEUG’ 1933—2014?
‘Pianos De Heug’ by architect Marcel Leborgne in danger. (see also our ‘at risk’-page &…
Belgian Winners Competition on Restoration cinema Udarnik (Moscow)
Robbrecht en Daem architecten has won the competition for the new Udarnik Contemporary Art Museum,…
Call for Papers 06.30: International Colloquium on Housing and Participation
Call for Papers until 30th June 74 14 SAAL# ARCHITECTURE, rx International Colloquium on Housing…
Symposium DOCOMOMO Austria
SYMPOSIUM | 13th-14th June 2014 | Vienna – Austria Symposium “Ernst Hiesmayr – Architekt im…
(NL/FR) DOCOMOMO Be filmcyclus in/ cycle de films dans A plus
NL DOCOMOMO Belgium en CINEMATEK brengen samen een met enkele lezingen doorspekte filmcyclus die via verschillende accenten…
A Plan to give the Farnsworth House a lift
The Farnsworth House, order design by Mies van der Rohe (1951), has suffered from multiple floods…
Roman Catholic Church Architecture in Britain, 1955 to 1975
research project & book about Roman Catholic Church Architecture in Britain, cialis 1955 to 1975
SAH in Paris: Modernist Masterworks
VISIT | 11-12 July 2014 | Paris, France Travel to Paris on July 11-12 with the…
Publication: Conservation of Colour in 20th Century Architecture
Edited by Giacinta Jean, click SUPSI – Nardini Editore, Lugano – Firenze, 2013 Giacinta Jean…
Glasgow School of Art on fire
One of Scotland’s most significant historic buildings severely damaged A fire has destroyed parts of…
(NL) Nocturne / Ontwerpen voor de wereld. Verwilghen & Belgisch paviljoen in Parijs 1937
Nocturne | dinsdag 03.06.2014 – 20:00 | Centrale bibliotheek KUL, story Leuven Hier online inschrijven Op dinsdag 3…
(NL) 75 jaar Albertkanaal
In 2014 is het precies 75 jaar geleden dat het Albertkanaal in gebruik werd genomen….
13th Int. Docomomo Conference 2014: Provisional Program
13th International Docomomo Conference 2014 – Expansion & Conflict PROVISIONAL PROGRAM. Seoul, salve South Korea,…
(Fr) Visite Jacques Dupuis: ESMA à Auvelais
visite | jeudi 5 juin 2014, en journée | Auvelais ( Sambreville) (inscrire par e-mail) L’ Association Jacques Dupuis…
Architecture in Uniforme
Exhibition | 24 April -08 September 2014 | Cité de l’Architecture, prostate Paris The exhibition reflects the consequences of the…
(FR) Visite Liège: Patrimoine remarqauble en béton
visites | vendredi 9 mai 2014 | 08:45-18:00 | Liège (inscrire jusqu’au 05/05/2014) Le comité PATRIMOINE ET HISTOIRE…
Call Heritage Plus (New funding opportunity)
New funding opportunity for transnational proposals The Joint Programming Initiative in Cultural Heritage and Global…
Shukhov Tower in Danger
The Shukhov Tower on Shabolovka Street in Moscow made its first radio broadcast on March…
New Docomomo Journal 49 “For an Architect´s Training”
First DOCOMOMO Journal of 2014 is available: DOCOMOMO Journal 49 (2014/1) “For an Architect´s Training”…
DOCOMOMO International Headquarters transfer from Barcelona to Lisbon
Docomomo International is pleased to inform that the headquarters have been transferred from Barcelona (Mies…
(NL) Expo Erfgoeddag 2014: Verwilghen en het Belgisch paviljoen in Parijs
Tentoonstelling | 27.04-25.06.2014 | Centrale Bibliotheek, case Ladeuzeplein, generic Leuven Erfgoeddag 2014 / Ontwerpen voor de wereld….
(NL) Nederlandse architectuurfoto’s 1ste helft 20ste E op Flickr Commons
Het Rotterdamse Nieuwe Instituut (NAi) presenteert foto’s uit het archief op Flickr Commons. Een collectie van ongeveer…
(NL) DOCOMOMO NL: seminar Het Moderne interieur.
SEMINAR | 11 .04. 2014 | Rietveld academie, sickness Amsterdam – Nederland Op vrijdagmiddag 11 april…
(Fr) Gaston Eysselinck Conférence de Marc Dubois
CONFERENCE | 27 mars – 19:00 | LOCI – Tournai Sur le thème du modernisme belge…
(Fr) De Heug : bâtiment classé en péril
En Wallonie, sales jamais une œuvre classée n’a été démolie pour être… reconstruite. À Charleroi,…
(NL) WTA-studiedag “Herbestemming gebouwen” 25.04.2014
STUDIEDAG | 25.04.2014 | Theater hotel De Oranjerie, and Roermond – Nederland WTA Nederland-Vlaanderen (Wetenschappelijk-technische groep…
Call for Papers: Open Air Metal – Outdoor metallic sculpture XIXth-XXth century
CONFERENCE | 4th-5th December 2014 | INHA auditorium – Galerie Colbert, advice Paris Call for Papers:…
Call for Papers: Heritage and Landscape as Human Values
SYMPOSIUM | 10–14 November 2014 | Florence – Italy 18th ICOMOS General Assembly and Scientific Symposium:…
Proceedings of the 12th International Docomomo Conference
The Proceedings of the 12th International Docomomo Conference “The Survival of the Modern – From…
(NL) Lezing Wessel de Jonge: ‘Erfgoed in het Herbestemmingsproces: de rol van de architect’
LEZING | 03.03.2014 – 10:30-12:30 | Auditorium De Molen KU Leuven, Heverlee Op maandag 3…
(NL) bezoek: Abdij Roosenberg door Dom Hans van der Laan
RONDLEIDING | 14.02.2014 – 8:30 | Abdij Roosenberg, Waasmunster Op 14 februari geeft Caroline Voet een…
(Fr) L’architecte André Jacqmain s’est éteint à l’âge de 93 ans
Le brabancon André Jacqmain est décédé ce mardi 28 janvier. Il avait notamment conçu l’immeuble abritant…
European Heritage Congress, Vienna 2 – 6 May 2014
CONGRESS | 2-6.05. 2014 | Vienna – Austria The Austrian capital will stage the 2014 European Heritage…
Virtual expo: The 7 Most Endangered Sites In Europe
All across Europe, vialis 40mg historic monuments and sites are in danger; some due to…
Conservation Compatible Energy Retrofit of Historic Buildings
Workshop | 6th February 2014 – 16.00 to 18.00 | Rue de Pascale 45-47, 1040 Brussels How…
Le Corbusier’s Chapel of Ronchamp vandalized
The Chapel of Ronchamp, discount built by Le Corbusier, here was vandalized (18/01/2014) An original…
Annual Iconic Houses Conference 25.11.2014
The Iconic Houses London symposium brought together 170 participants from 15 countries last November to…
(NL) APA ontsluit beeldmateriaal op Flickr
Het Architectuurarchief Provincie Antwerpen (APA) heeft een 700-tal beelden van zijn collectie digitaal ontsloten via…