Plastics in Modern Movement Interiors Conservation and (re-)design of plastic Finishes, Furniture and Products

Posted By DOCOMOMO Belgium / February, 18, 2018 / 0 comments

SEMINAR & WORKSHOP | 05-06.03.2018 |  UAntwerp Faculty of Design Sciences, Antwerp (registration fee for Docomomo-members &…

(NL) Petitie: Behoud het markante EWI-gebouw, voor Delft, Nederland en de rest van de wereld

Posted By DOCOMOMO Belgium / January, 27, 2018 / 0 comments

EWI-gebouw TU Delft: petitie tegen sloop van de hoogbouw van de vroegere faculteit van Elektrotechniek…

Plastics in Modern Movement Buildings. Conservation and (Re-)design of Synthetic Building Components

Posted By DOCOMOMO Belgium / September, 30, 2017 / 0 comments

DOCOMOMO ISC/Technology Seminar | 23-24 October 2017 | TUDelft, Netherlands The International Exhibition in 1862 marked…

(NL) Tentoonstelling VAi: Shopping Towns Europe

Posted By DOCOMOMO Belgium / March, 22, 2017 / 0 comments

EXPO | 26.04- 11.06.2017 | deSingel Internationale Kunstcampus, Antwerpen De tentoonstelling Shopping Towns Europe, de tweede editie van het Architectuurkabinet, vertelt…

(EN) Lecture by Herman Hertzberger

Posted By DOCOMOMO Belgium / September, 15, 2016 / 0 comments

LECTURE | Thu. 6 Oct 2016, pharmacy 20:00 | Bozar, generic Brussels Herman Hertzberger needs little introduction: as…

(NL) Opening tentoonstelling Levensecht. De performantie van de moderne stad

Posted By DOCOMOMO Belgium / August, 26, 2015 / 0 comments

EXPO | 26.09.2015 – 10.01.2016| deSingel, Antwerpen Het Vlaams Architectuurinstituut en deSingel Internationale Kunstcampus nodigen u van harte uit…

Chair in restoration and conservation, TU Delft – the Netherlands

Posted By DOCOMOMO Belgium / December, 1, 2012 / 0 comments

The Faculty of Architecture at TU Delft is looking for a full professor to take…

(NL) seminar: Tijdelijk gebruik van modern erfgoed: bedreiging of zegen?

Posted By DOCOMOMO Belgium / October, 3, 2012 / 0 comments

SEMINAR | 19.10.2012 | 12.30 | Berlagezaal, recipe Faculteit Bouwkunde TU Delft – Nederland Op vrijdagmiddag…