Docomomo Belgium is organising 4 online lectures, each on a Wednesday evening at 8pm in November, December, January and February. The lectures will be given in English and French. Please register below, you will receive the url to the online lecture on the day of the lecture.
More details on the lectures II-IV will be available soon.
LECTURE I –Wednesday 15th of November, 20:00
Landscape, territory, interior and its ideological gesture (ENG)
The lecture concerns the transformation of landscape through ideological gesture, to territory, and to interior. Particular focus is given to the North American hinterland, notions of territorial claim and possession that characterised the colonial period, the subsequent projections of Thomas Jefferson, the progressive disenfranchisement and obliteration of indigenous populations, and the dramatic progress of its colonisation. Representational means used to describe these territories are also examined as engines of desire and consequent domination. Finally, a series of typologies, of interiors and landscapes and ultimately interiors tending to the condition of landscape, are described as the unfortunate legacy of the American occupation of the vast continent.
LECTURE II -Wednesday 6th of December, 20:00
Le Jardin moderniste et l’architecte paysagiste de Jean Canneel Claes – Antécédents et évaluation avec introduction sur le livre ‘Gardens in the Modern Landscapes’ de Christopher Tunnard (FR)
intro by Marc Dubois (RIBA Honorary Fellow) lecture by Ann Voets (Art historian / Landscape architect)
Depuis les années 1930, Jean Canneel-Claes (1909-1989) architecte de jardins et de paysages a largement contribué à aligner l’aménagement des jardins et des paysages sur les idées modernistes en plein développement dans l’architecture. Il fut l’un des premiers étudiants inscrits à l’ISAD/La Cambre fondée par Henry van de Velde en 1927. En 1930, il reçut le diplôme d’architecte paysagiste. En 1929, Le Corbusier lui dessine une maison, publiée sous le titre “Maison de M. à Bruxelles”. En 1931, il construit avec l’architecte Louis-Herman De Koninck une belle maison qui sera malheureusement démolie en 1969. Il partage sa vision progressiste, testée dans sa propre maison et son jardin à travers ses projets, mais aussi dans la presse où il se fait le porte-parole du jardin moderniste.
Ann Voets met en valeur l’œuvre de Canneel et sa collaboration avec des architectes d’avant-garde tels que Hoste et Bourgeois. L’œuvre se compose de belles créations pour des jardins privés, mais aussi de commandes publiques, comme la grande exposition internationale de Liège en 1939, il excelle en tant que concepteur en chef, et porte l’architecture du paysage à un niveau supérieur.En introduction, Marc Dubois explique une publication de 1938 “Gardens in the Modern Landscape “ de Christopher Tunnard dans laquelle l’œuvre de Canneel sert d’exemple.
LECTURE III -Wednesday 24th of January 13th of March, 20:00 (NEW DATE!)
The Masterplan for the garden cities of Le Logis & Floreal and emerging methodological questions. (ENG)
lecture by Guido Stegen (ARSIS)
The masterplan for the garden cities of Le Logis & Floreal covers 1060 listed houses. They constitute a global composition marked with a variable sense of cohesion and wholeness, which is established by a well-balanced combination of elements and groups of elements at different levels and scales. Wholeness appears through the connectivity and interaction of parts and wholes and is a defining feature of Art. Everything that contributes to it, should, in the first order, be protected by the masterplan, giving clear information on the ‘what, where, how and why’.
At the same time, the masterplan should resolve occurring problems, providing solutions which fit within the wholeness. Recurrent problems and worries are often about safety, energy performance, comfort, etc. The worries change over time; the problems are more universal. Regardless the long development procedure, the many public debates, the additional research, the evidence-based design, and the final approval (in 2014), the way this masterplan responds to the above worries and problems continues to be extremely controversial.
The government approved this masterplan and legalised it on the 23rd of May, 2014. The final form and content is the result of a process from 1999 to 2014, and is the outcome of what a protective masterplan should be and do. This one is designed as a mirror to the listed garden cities; its architecture – the interaction between parts – resembles how Le Logis & Floreal are composed. The legal document consists of 1275 pages (in one language). Even before its legal approval, the common feeling was that fewer pages would have been better. Until today, there is no answer yet on what a more accessible form and content could be, without losing the aforementioned wholeness.
The intention of this lecture is to revisit this question. All documents of the plan are accessible online; therefore, they will not be shown extensively. More important is it to explain why they exist and what they do, and to feed the debate on their utility.
LECTURE IV -Wednesday 21th of February, 20:00
Retour vers le futur – Le patrimoine au service d’un projet d’avenir (FR)
lecture by Jean Garcin and Hubert Lionnez (Karbon)
Après avoir été publiée, visitée par des architectes du monde entier, la Cité Moderne s’est petit à petit abîmée dans le désarroi d’une gestion trop parcimonieuse de ses bâtiments et de ses abords. Les rues ont été asphaltées, élargies, mal entretenues. Une végétation spontanée a pris le dessus, parfois qualitative, parfois moins. Aujourd’hui la commune et Comensia ont unis leurs forces pour rénover cet ensemble monumental classé, les bâtiments et leurs abords. La rénovation passe alors par une réflexion sur le potentiel et les qualités que le dessin original pourrait offrir aujourd’hui, tant d’un point de vue des usages que de la biodiversité.
Attention: We note that some registrations do not reach our or your mailbox (possibly due to spam filters). Please send us an e-mail at contact(at), if you have not received a link to the online lecture an hour before the lecture. And of course, don’t forget to check your spam folder.