DOCOMOMO JOURNAL 38: Canada Modern

Author: France Vanlaethem, James Ashby, Andrew Waldron (guest editors),
Publisher: DOCOMOMO International Paris (2008)
Dimensions (length x width x height): 21 cm × 1 cm × 30 cm
Pages: 98
Language: English
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Docomomo Journal 38 (March 2008):
Save Hassan Fathy’s New Gourna by Leïla El-Wakil & Nadia Radwan
Georgette Cottin-Euziol: Between the Beaux-Arts Spirit and the Philosophy of Modernity by Assia Samai Bouadjadja
Conservation and Transformation of the Automóvil Club Argentino Network by Stella Maris Casal et al.
Kisho Kurokawa (1934–2007) by Dennis Sharp
The Conservation of Modern in Canada by France Vanlaethem, James Ashby, Robert Lemon & Steven Mannell
Grain Elevators on the Canadian Prairies: Nomadism to Settlement by Bernard Flaman et al.
The Continental Dimension of Modern Montreal by France Vanlaethem
Shopping Malls in Post-War Ontario by Marie-Josée Therrien
The Vancouver Passenger Terminal Building: Modernism and the Architectonics of Movement by Rhodri Windsor-Liscombe
The Former CBC Head Office: Edward Drake Building by Michel Pelletier
Canada’s Distant Early Warning Line by Andrew Waldron
Conservation Guidelines: An Owner’s Manual for the Former City Hall, Ottawa by James Ashby
How Green Was Canadian Modernism? How Sustainable Will it be? by Susan Ross
A Case for Dal Grauer: The Rehabilitation of a BC Electric Substation by Robert G. Lemon
Beaver Lake Pavilion in Montreal Completely Restored: One of DoCoMoMo Quebec’s First Modern Buildings Targeted Is Saved, for Now by Marie-France Bisson
Modern Heritage and Folk Culture in Atlantic Canada by Steven Mannell
Book Reviews:
France Vanlaethem, Danielle Doucet, Sophie Mankowski, Conrad Gallant: Discovering Modern Montreal and the Esterel Resort in Quebec by Franz Graf
Bookshelf: from the Vernacular to the Particular by Dennis Sharp
Modern Architectures in History & Arthur Rüegg: Le Corbusier Polychromie Architecturale by Maristella Casciato