Conference: Modernist women interior designers and artists
CONFERENCE | 07-08.03.2024 | Lisboa & Cascais
The Docomomo International Specialist Committee on Interior Design (ISC/ID) and Docomomo Portugal, in partnership with Fundação Dom Luís I – Casa das Histórias Paula Rego and with the Municipality of Cascais, are pleased to invite you for the Conference Modernist women interior designers and artists: to deepen the reading of the different expressions of female creativity. The conference will be held in Lisbon and Cascais on March 7 and 8, 2024, in celebration of the International Women’s Day.
Download the full programme here.
To attend the conference, please follow the registration process here

Keynote lectures:
Carmo Valente, the gesamtkunstwerk in the feminine Architecture, Art and Design by Ana Tostões
How many women designers and architects had one-person exhibition last year in museums? by Bárbara Coutinho
Modern interior architects in Turkey: a focus on women, by Deniz Hasirci in collaboration with Zeynep Tuna Ultav (Yasar University), Melis Ornekoglu Selcuk (Ghent University), Deniz Avci Hosanli (Izmir University of Economics)
Maria Keil (1914-2012): the polyphonic work of a pioneering designer in Portugal, by Helena Souto
Lina Bo Bardi Furniture: Some of her diverse nuances, by Marta Peixoto
Women in Architecture and History. Critical reflection on Portuguese work in progress, by Patrícia Santos Pedrosa
A female vision on modernist interior architecture, a future visionary legacy, a political x-ray, by Paula Torgal
Making women designers Googleable. The methodology behind the Flanders Architecture Institute Wiki Women Design Project, by Zsuzsanna Böröcz
Source & more info: iscidconference2024